Statutory inquiry reports
The Commission publishes the results of statutory inquiries it has undertaken in this section of the website.
The reports on this page are published at a date in time and are an accurate reflection of the Commission’s inquiry and findings up to the date of publication.
Statutory inquiry reports are one mechanism used by the Commission to share learning with the sector. They also serve to inform the public about matters of concern to the Commission and how the Commission uses it powers to protect charitable assets. For this reason, statutory inquiry reports are published below for a maximum of five years from the date of publication. Archived reports may be accessed using the Commission’s Archived decisions, orders, directions and reports page.
Statutory inquiry report - Victoria Housing Estates Limited (including Bangor Provident Trust Limited)
Statutory inquiry report - Woodvale & Shankill Community Housing Association Ltd

Download Statutory inquiry report - Woodvale & Shankill Community Housing Association PDF (250.1 KB)
Statutory inquiry report - Karmel City Church, Karmel Trust and Make a Difference Worldwide