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The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
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Register of charities

The register of charities is a growing public resource which anyone, anywhere in the world, may use to find out key information about charities in Northern Ireland. You can find more information on using and understanding the register of charities in our guidance here. 

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At present, there are over 7,500 charities whose details are displayed. The Commission is continuing to build the register. You can search the information by clicking the blue box at the bottom of this page and using the search box and filters on the left of the screen. We would like to hear about your experience of using the register, you can let us know by completing a short two mins survey on Surveymonkey.


The information contained on the register of charities is provided to the Commission by or on behalf of a charity in compliance with their legal obligations set out in the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008.

This information is gathered when a charity applies to be registered and via updates made by or on behalf of a charity, for example, on the retirement and appointment of charity trustees, changes in the charity’s governing document and the annual reporting programme. The Commission cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy of information which has been supplied by third parties, and the Commission is not responsible for the consequences of any error or omissions in the information held on the register.

It is a criminal offence to knowingly or recklessly provide the Commission with information which is false or misleading. The charity trustees of registered charities have a legal obligation to ensure their charity’s register entry is accurate.

As information is filed electronically by or on behalf of a charity errors may occur when information is being entered. The Commission does not edit this information. Where errors are discovered or reported to the Commission they will be brought to the attention of the charity. If you notice any apparent errors in the register data please let us know by email to

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