Update your charity's details
If your application for charity registration is successful, we will enter your charity’s details on the register of charities, and many of these details will be publicly accessible. We will also issue you with a password which will allow you access to:
Online services Click to access Online servicesBelow is a help sheet to assist you in logging into Online services.
Using Online services, you will be able to update some of your charity’s details on the register of charities to keep them up to date. The details you will be able to update are:
- charity contact details
- email addresses for Commission use and for public display
- financial year end
- your charity’s website address
- where your charity operates
- who does your charity help
- description of activities
- your trustees’ details.
It is the responsibility of trustees to keep all of this information up to date, accurate and ensure it is in line with the organisation’s governing document. Charities should ensure that all new trustees sign a declaration form before their election or appointment to confirm that they are not disqualified. It is an offence to act as a charity trustee while disqualified. This demonstrates that the trustees have taken actions to reduce this risk to the charity. A template trustee declaration form is available to download below. Signed declarations should be retained by the charity for future reference.
Section 86 of the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008, which sets out persons disqualified for being trustees of a charity, does not apply to charities to which the Commission has granted religious designation. This is set out in the Charities Act 2008 (Designated Religious Charities) Order (Northern Ireland) 2016.
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If the charity's contact or email details are out of date, and you do not have a password or cannot access our Online services, you can contact us to get them updated. For security reasons, any change of email details will be subject to a validation procedure.
There are some details which you will not be able to change, such as your charity’s purposes. If your charity’s purposes change, you will have to notify us. We will ensure that your change of purposes has not altered the charitable nature of your organisation. If we agree to the changes, the Commission will update the register with your new purposes.
Some important features of the Online services system are:
- it is secure, and detail of changes you submit cannot be altered by anyone else
- the system is available at a time to suit you.