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The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
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Casework decisions

You can find below proposed and recent Commission decisions relating to casework requests and other matters submitted to the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.

Proposed schemes

We publish proposed schemes to let the public know about them and invite comments or representations. We must consider any comments and representations that we receive within the period of notice, and may decide that the proposals need to be changed.

Draft scheme - Dundonald Congregation of the Free Methodist Church of North America (NIC106373)

The draft scheme is open for comments or representations before 5pm on Monday 20 January 2025 (20 working days from date of publication). You can use the Cy-pres comment on a scheme form below, which should be returned to

Download Dundonald Congregation of the Free Methodist Church of North America - Draft Cy-pres Scheme PDF (571.7 KB)

Download Cy-pres comment on a scheme form (3) DOCX (42.6 KB)

Consents to regulated alterations

Under the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008 (the ‘Act’), some changes to a charitable company’s articles of association must be approved by the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland before they take effect.

Alterations to the objects, dissolution clause or authorisations for benefits to be paid to directors in any charitable company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, or Articles of Association, must receive prior written consent from the Commission before they can become effective. For more information, please see the Consents for charitable companies section of our website. 

The table below details regulated orders and consents in the last 12 months. Older orders and consents are available to view on our Archived decisions, directions, orders and reports page.

Download Current regulated consents table XLSX (14.1 KB)

Approved schemes

Where the Commission is satisfied that it is in the best interests of the charity, it has powers to authorise:

  • any action proposed by a charity or,
  • transactions which are not normally a proper use of the charity’s resources.

Where the charity trustees have no power, but consider themselves under a moral obligation to do so, the Commission can:

  • authorise a charity to apply property
  • waive entitlement to receive property.
Sealed orders

Sealed order – The ARN Foundation (NIC104783)

The Commission has made an Order to authorise the trustees of The ARN Foundation (NIC104783) to make a resolution to transfer all of the assets and liabilities from The ARN Foundation (NIC104783) to The ARN Foundation (NIC109929) as part of the organisation’s change of legal structure from unincorporated association to an incorporated legal entity (a company), notwithstanding that a conflict of interest arises as the trustees of the charity are also the directors of the company.

Download Sealed Order - The ARN Foundation NIC104783 PDF (45.7 KB)

Sealed order – The ARN Foundation (NIC109929)

The Commission has made an Order under Section 46 of the Act authorising the trustees of The ARN Foundation (NIC109929) to provide an indemnity to the trustees of The ARN Foundation (NIC104783), as part of an arrangement whereby The ARN Foundation (NIC109929) will receive all of the assets and liabilities of The ARN Foundation (NIC104783), notwithstanding that a conflict of interest arises.

Download Sealed order - The ARN Foundation NIC109929 PDF (25.3 KB)

Sealed order - Glenvarna Christian Fellowship

The Commission has made an Order to authorise the trustees of Glenvarna Christian Fellowship (NIC101262) to make a resolution to transfer all of the assets and liabilities from Glenvarna Christian Fellowship (NIC101262) to Open Arms Centre, (NIC109748) as part of the organisation’s change of legal structure from unincorporated association to an incorporated legal entity (a company), notwithstanding that a conflict of interest arises as the trustees of the charity are also the directors of the company.

Download Sealed order - Glenvarna Christian Fellowship PDF (39 KB)

Sealed order - Open Arms Centre

The Commission has made an Order to authorise Open Arms Centre (NIC109748) to provide an Indemnity to the charity trustees of Glenvarna Christian Fellowship (NIC101262, as part of an arrangement whereby Open Arms Centre will receive all of the assets and liabilities of Glenvarna Christian Fellowship, notwithstanding that a conflict of interest arises.

Download Sealed Order - Open Arms Centre PDF (96.2 KB)

Sealed order - Somme Nursing Home Holdings

The Commission has made an order to authorise the trustees of The Somme Nursing Home Trust to make a resolution to transfer the assets of the charity to the charitable company, Somme Nursing Home Holdings (NIC100692) notwithstanding that a conflict of interest arises.

Download 20240508 Sealed order - Somme Nursing Home Holdings PDF (18.7 KB)

Sealed order - Omagh Child Contact centre

The Commission has made an order to authorise the trustees of Omagh Child Contact Centre (NIC107032) to make a resolution to accept the transfer of assets and liabilities from the charity Omagh Child Contact Centre (NIC100814) (now closed) as part of the organisation’s change of legal structure from unincorporated association to an incorporated legal entity (a company), notwithstanding that a conflict of interest arose as the trustees of the charity were also the directors of the company.

Download 20240221 Sealed order - Omagh Child Contact Centre Sealed order PDF (22.1 KB)

Sealed schemes

The Commission has made a cy-près scheme under section 29 of the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008 in relation to The 1928 Trust relating to the Lands of Moneyneany, Draperstown.

Download 20240517 Sealed scheme - Lands of Moneyneany, Draperstown PDF (83.4 KB)