Regulatory decisions and orders
Our regulatory work is concerned with ensuring that charities comply with their legal obligations. This may include, for example, undertaking investigations into apparent misconduct or mismanagement in the administration of charities, or issuing directions to the charity in order to improve its governance.
This section is where we will publish the results of our regulatory work. Publishing the outcomes and wider lessons of this work is an important way of encouraging trustees to ensure they comply with their legal obligations, as well as helping to protect charities against abuse.
Use the links below to view regulatory decisions which have been taken by the Commission.
- Orders of the Commission
- Register of removed trustees
- Decisions on waiving trustee disqualifications
- Statutory inquiry reports
- Thematic reports and case studies on concerns about charities
- Archived decisions, directions, orders and reports
The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland appointed an independent counsel in February 2021 to conduct a review of complaints arising from the Commission's regulation of the charities, Lough Neagh Rescue Ltd and Disabled Police Officers’ Association of Northern Ireland (DPOANI).
The review was intended to establish whether there were lessons which could be learned from the handling of the cases, which had not previously been learned. The terms of reference for the review are below.
The review is now completed, with the summary report published below alongside an action plan to address the recommendations arising from the review.