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The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
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Archived decisions

Through publishing decisions, the Commission aims to increase openness, transparency and levels of public trust and confidence in the charity sector.

The information below details the Commission’s archived casework decisions. More recent casework decisions are available to view here: Casework decisions.

If you wish to view a full copy of any archived sealed orders or schemes, please email

Further information on our approach to publishing decisions can be found in the Commission’s Publishing our decisions guidance.

Consents to regulated alterations

Under the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008 (the ‘Charities Act’), some changes to a charitable company’s Articles of Association must be approved by the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland before they can be effected by the charity. For example, Alterations to the objects, dissolution clause or authorisations for benefits to be paid to directors in any charitable company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, or Articles of Association, must receive prior written consent from the Commission.

Download 20240425 Archived casework decisions.. PDF (229.7 KB)

Sealed orders and schemes

The Charities Act also gives the Commission powers to authorise any action proposed by a charity or, where the Commission is satisfied that it is expedient in the interests of the charity, to authorise transactions which are not normally a proper use of the charity’s resources. The Commission may also authorise the charity to apply property or to waive entitlement to receive property, where the charity trustees have no power to, but regard themselves as being under a moral obligation to do so.

Download Archived Schemes and Orders - 16 September 2024 PDF (138.8 KB)