Public benefits
The direct benefits which flow from this purpose are: the increased understanding of the use of the arts for creative self-expression among participants; increased awareness of history, culture and tradition among participants and audiences, that promotes tolerance, respect and understanding. These benefits are evidenced through informal and
formal feedback from participants and attendees at workshops, seminars and exhibitions. Formal feedback is gained from participant and audience surveys, and this produces both qualitative and quantitative feedback. Informal feedback is gained through conversations during workshops and seminars. This feedback is used to enhance future delivery. None General Public None
... [more] [less]What your organisation does
APAC curates exhibitions of photojournalism and other creative arts. First, it engages community groups and local organisations as well as individual participants from the area of a project. Second, it offers workshops and seminars to increase education and capacity for creativity. Third, it incorporates into public exhibitions a combination
comprising the results of the creative work of community participants, and commissioned professional work with a similar focus.
... [more] [less]The charity’s classifications
- The advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science
Who the charity helps
- General public
How the charity works
- Arts
- Cross-border/cross-community
- Cultural
- Heritage/historical