Public benefits
Public benefit: The work of the BMEWN provides: Enhanced knowledge and awareness of gender and racial equality issues for BME women in Northern Ireland and their communities Enhanced knowledge and awareness of gender and racial equality issues for the NI public at large. Improved community life and community relations Enhanced capacity for BME
women in Northern Ireland to exercise their citizenship rights. How can the benefits identified above be demonstrated? The public benefits listed above are evidenced through: 1) the provision of support and services for BME women within the different council areas in the form of training and educational opportunities, 2) the development of activity programmes aimed at organising BME women living in Northern Ireland and 3) the production of research and data reports aimed at identifying key issues affecting BME women in Northern Ireland as well as raising knowledge and awareness about these among the public at large. BMEWN commissioned a health survey and the report will be launched on the 28th October 2017, the date of our 3rd AGM. There is no harm from the purposes. The beneficiaries are the membership of the BME Women's Network as well as the wider community. Private benefit: There is no income generated for individual members. The members can benefit from the activities organised by the Network. The benefits from any training programmes or educational programmes are necessary.
... [more] [less]What your organisation does
Provide advocacy, advice, and support, and link to existing BME women’s groups, new emerging groups, and existing BME groups who have female members on the BME Women’s Network Organise training activities and events to strengthening the capacity of BME women and their organisation Organise policy discussion and related activities to raise awareness
and to educate BME women on key issues and policies that affect their life chance and opportunity Organise activities and events that bring all BME women and their families together in celebrating cultural, religious and linguistic diversity in Northern Ireland Liaison and Networking with a wide range of agencies, NGOs and the BME sector, including attending meetings on behalf of the Project
... [more] [less]The charity’s classifications
- The advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation or the promotion of religious or racial harmony or equality and diversity
Who the charity helps
- Asylum seekers/refugees
- Ethnic minorities
- Women
How the charity works
- Advice/advocacy/information
- Community development
- Cultural
- Education/training
- Gender
- Human rights/equality
- Research/evaluation