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The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
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Young Men's Christian Association (Lisburn) Limited


Charity no. 103817 Company no. 20374 Date registered. 11/11/2016

Public benefits

Introduction This document seeks to layout the public benefit of Lisburn YMCA as requested by the Charity Commission NI. It draws on the existing governing instrument of the association, its strategy documents and the public benefit guidance documents of the Commission. Purposes Lisburn YMCA is a charity constituted as a company limited by

guarantee and as such its purposes are contained in the company’s Articles and Memorandum. Appendix 1. ● To provide or assist in the provision of education, for people of all ages and in particular young people, with the object of developing their physical, mental and spiritual capacities. ● To promote healthy living including emotional, mental and spiritual well being through the provision of information, education and activities. ● To promote community engagement and citizenship, for young people, their families and other adults for the purpose of family support, community relations and active citizenship. ● To relieve or assist in the relief of need experienced by people of all ages and in particular young people, who are in conditions of hardship or distress by reason of their social, physical, emotional, spiritual or economic circumstances. The YMCA is a Christian organisation and - although the advancement of religion is not an expressed purpose - all purposes are an expression of Christian principles through ‘social action’. The YMCA offers a comprehensive range of opportunities to its beneficiaries and meets the ‘Public Benefit’ requirement as follows: Purpose 1 - in the provision of education The direct benefits which flow from this purpose include improved educational attainment and social inclusion through ‘non-formal’ education. As a result, the physical, mental and spiritual capabilities, competences, skills and understanding of the beneficiaries are improved. These benefits are tangible and can be demonstrated, for example, through support for learning in early years, developmental activities for children, the gaining of leadership skills, engagement in active citizenship, the development of thinking skills, life skills, and employment skills. This is evidenced by the feedback from participants, data collected on progression and impact and independent evaluations. The beneficiaries are, potentially, any member of the public but in particular early years, children, young people and families experiencing social exclusion. Purpose 2 - promote healthy living The benefits that flow from this purpose include reduction of personal harm to individual participants, reduction in anti social behaviour, improved personal knowledge, health awareness and personal self confidence and control which results in improved life choices. The benefits are evident in the reduction of poor health in young people and positive engagement by young people in wider community, school and recreational activities. The work is delivered in local communities by YMCAs with partners who see day to day evidence of the change in behaviours including schools, Councils, Public Health Authorities. Evidence of the change is recorded through practitioner and participant feedback and interagency review. The beneficiaries are young people and their families. Purpose 3 - promote community engagement The YMCA recognises young people do not live in isolation from family, community and other institutions in society therefore the benefits from this purpose consist of increased opportunities for volunteering and active citizenship, increased support for community activities, improved community relations and racial harmony and reduced sectarianism. The tangible benefits are demonstrated by increased family and community activity, increased dialogue across community divides, the training of volunteers and feedback from volunteers, leaders, other stakeholders e.g. schools and participants. The beneficiaries of this purpose are young people, families and community leaders, particularly from communi

What your organisation does

The YMCA offers a comprehensive range of opportunities to young people and the wider community which can be classified as providing ‘Public Benefit’ in the following areas: 1. Advancement of education - through its provision of programmes based non formal education in areas such as youth work, community education, life-long learning, vocational

training and the development of individual competences, skills understanding and capacities. The beneficiaries are primarily young people with direct projects related to childcare, after schools, youth work, and young leader development. 2. Advancement of health - through the use of health promotion and support for the mental well being of young people. The beneficiaries are normally between 8 and 25 years old however health promotion is a theme through all our programmes and held could involve parents and young children 3. The advancement of citizenship or community development. - The YMCA encourages and supports volunteers in its programme areas and promotes the development of community groups by extending support, advice and allowing use of its premises. 4. Relief of those in need by reason of youth, age,ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage - In partnership with other statutory and voluntary organisations the YMCA provides direct services to young people and families through volunteer placements,

The charity’s classifications

  • The advancement of education
  • The advancement of health or the saving of lives
  • The advancement of citizenship or community development
  • The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage

Who the charity helps

  • Children (5-13 year olds)
  • Learning disabilities
  • Parents
  • Volunteers
  • Youth (14-25 year olds)

How the charity works

  • Community development
  • Education/training
  • Playgroup/after schools
  • Volunteer development
  • Youth development

This display is a broad summary of the charity’s financial information. For a full understanding of the charity’s finances, the reader should view the PDF accounts and reports under the Documents tab above.





Charity accounts & reports for financial year end 30 March 2023

Independent examiners report Charity accounts Trustee annual report

Charity accounts & reports for financial year end 30 March 2022

Independent examiners report Charity accounts Trustee annual report

Charity accounts & reports for financial year end 30 March 2021

Independent examiners report Charity accounts Trustee annual report

Charitable purposes

The company's objects are (within a worldwide context) and inspired by the two founding Statements of the YMCA World Movement namely: The Paris Basis (1855) “The Young Men’s Christian Association seeks to unite those who, regarding Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour according to the Holy Scriptures, desire to be His disciples in their faith and in their life, and to associate their efforts for the extension of His kingdom.” Challenge 21 (1999) ● “Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and striving for spiritual, intellectual and physical well-being of individuals and wholeness of communities. ● Empowering all, especially young people and women to take increased responsibilities and assume leadership at all levels and working towards an equitable society. ● Advocating for and promoting the rights of women and upholding the rights of children. ● Fostering dialogue and partnership between people of different faiths and ideologies and recognizing the cultural identities of people and promoting cultural renewal. ● Committing to work in solidarity with the poor, dispossessed, uprooted people and oppressed racial, religious and ethnic minorities. ● Creators and reconcilers in situations of conflict and participation and advancement of people for their own self determination. ● Defending God's creation against all that would destroy it and preserving and protecting the earth’s resources for coming generations. To face these challenges, the YMCA will develop patterns of co-operation at all levels that enable self-sustenance and self-determination.” The Association welcomes, serves and works with persons of all religious faiths and of none. Within that context Young Men’s Christian Association (Lisburn) Limited interprets these statements for the present time as a desire to demonstrate God's love through action by promoting youth development, promoting healthy living and promoting community engagement. Accordingly the Objects of Lisburn YMCS are: ● To provide or assist in the provision of education, for people of all ages and in particular young people, with the object of developing their physical, mental and spiritual capacities. ● To promote healthy living including emotional, mental and spiritual well being through the provision of information, education and activities. ● To promote community engagement and citizenship, for young people, their families and other adults for the purpose of family support, community relations and active citizenship. ● To relieve or assist in the relief of need experienced by people of all ages and in particular young people, who are in conditions of hardship or distress by reason of their social, physical, emotional, spiritual or economic circumstances.

Governing document

Memorandum and Articles

Other name

YMCA Lisburn
  • 5 Trustees
  • 28 Employees
  • 12 Volunteers

Contact details

Public address

  • Pauline Mcmullan, 28, Market Square, Lisburn, Co Antrim, BT28 1AG

Trustee board

Mr James Mcfarland
Mrs Clare Pollock
Ms Jade Irwin
Mr Ian Crossan
Mrs Andrea Spence

List of regions

  • Ards And North Down Borough Council
  • Belfast City Council
  • Lisburn And Castlereagh City Council
  • Newry, Mourne And Down District Council