Public benefits
The Northern Ireland Bat Group operates across all of Northern Ireland, working with all sections of the community, with the aim of promoting and protecting bats. We believe that we meet two of the public benefit criteria: 1. The advancement of environmental protection or improvement Activities involving bats include education, public awareness;
participation in public events; surveys and research, advice to property owners who have bats living in the buildings or land; care and rehabilitation of inured bats; providing data on bat activities for government departments, public bodies and the general public; commenting on planning applications and other proposals which might affect bats; and providing bat boxes and other facilities for bats to roost and flourish. 2. The advancement of animal welfare The Northern Ireland Bat Group also collects and cares for injured bats and gives advice on this subject to vets and government departments. We also sit on Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW), which is an advisory group with representation from the PSNI, government and NGO organisations involved in caring for wildlife.
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Activities include education; public awareness; participation in public events; surveys and research; advice to property owners who have bats living in the buildings or land; care and rehabilitation of inured bats; providing data on bat activities for government departments, public bodies and the general public; commenting on planning applications
and other proposals which might affect bats; and providing bat boxes and other facilities for bats to roost and flourish. All bats and their roosts are legally protected by a number of pieces of UK and European legislation and other international agreements. Some of The Northern Ireland Bat Groups regular volunteers hold the relevant licences from Northern Ireland Environment Agency to work with bats and visit bat roosts for monitoring and providing advice to the building owner. It may be helpful to consider the legislation which provides protection to all Northern Ireland’s bats at all times: • Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals 1979 (the Bonn Convention) • Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats 1979 (the Bern Convention) • Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 • EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) • The EU Habitats Directive is transposed into Northern Ireland law in the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995. • The Wildlife and Natural Environment (Northern Ireland) Act 2011 substantially updates the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 and the protected status of bats remains unchanged. An All-Ireland Species Action Plan for Bats was produced in 2008 to set in place a list of actions to maintain and improve Irelands bat populations.
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- The advancement of environmental protection or improvement
- The advancement of animal welfare
Who the charity helps
- General public
- Volunteers
How the charity works
- Animal welfare
- Environment/sustainable development/conservation