Public benefits
Purpose To promote the health, welfare, care and mental and physical well-being of disabled ex-servicemen in Northern Ireland. The direct benefits that flow from the above purpose are: • Disabled ex-servicemen have improved physical health through accessing signposted appropriate health services and provision. • Disabled ex-servicemen have an
increased sense of belonging leading to an increased sense of mental and physical well-being. • Disabled ex-servicemen are provided with care and support through hospital and home visitation. These benefits are evidenced through participation in the organisation’s activities and events and through feedback from the members. This purpose does not lead to harm. The beneficiaries of this benefit are disabled ex-servicemen in Northern Ireland. A private benefit flowing from this process is that gained by a Trustee who also is a disabled ex-service man and who participates in organisational activities. Trustees access organisational activities via the same way as all other members. This benefit is incidental and necessary to ensure the benefit is provided to our beneficiaries. Purpose To relieve hardship and provide support for disabled ex-servicemen and the widows / widowers of deceased disabled ex-servicemen in Northern Ireland. The direct benefits that flow from the above purpose are: • Disabled ex-servicemen receive advice and support in accessing relevant pensions and other available financial assistance. • Widows of deceased disabled ex-service men receive financial assistance from the organisation. These benefits are evidenced through the receipt of relevant pensions and other financial assistance. Financial assistance given directly from the organisation is evidenced in the annual financial accounts. This purpose does not lead to harm. The beneficiaries of this benefit are disabled ex-servicemen and the widows of deceased ex-servicemen in Northern Ireland. A private benefit flowing from this process is that gained by a Trustee who also is a disabled ex-serviceman and who accesses beneficial information regarding pensions and other financial assistance. This benefit is incidental and necessary to ensure the benefit is provided to our beneficiaries.
... [more] [less]What your organisation does
Northern Ireland Disabled Ex-Servicemen's Association provides: a) recreational and leisure time activities and organises events for such disabled ex-service men b) access to resources and practical advice c) opportunities to network; find mutual support and encouragement
The charity’s classifications
- The advancement of health or the saving of lives
- The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
Who the charity helps
- Men
- Physical disabilities
- Women
How the charity works
- Advice/advocacy/information
- Disability
- General charitable purposes
- Welfare/benevolent