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The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
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Fermanagh Voluntary Association of the Disabled


Charity no. 100926 Date registered. 15/09/2015

Public benefits

The direct benefits flowing from the purposes include increased awareness of the needs of disabled people and a challenge to mistaken ways of thinking about disabilities by some people within the community as well as improved contact and liaison with Statutory and Non Governmental organisations to seek improvements in the lives of disabled people.

Further benefits include increased social inclusion and enjoyment for the beneficiaries through the use of facilities etc. The benefits can be demonstrated through feedback from other organisations or the community recognising that people with disabilities should be treated as equal citizens. Feedback from families and carers of our members’ is also positive and any improvement suggestions are evaluated and implemented as necessary. The purposes do not lead to harm though some people within the community may not initially accept our purpose but this will require ongoing efforts to persuade. We also follow Health & Safety procedures and prevailing good practice which mitigates against harms. The charity’s beneficiaries are people with disabilities within Co Fermanagh, their families and carers. Staff and volunteers may incidentally benefit from ongoing training which may be transferable to other job opportunities.

What your organisation does

FVAD organise and participate in many social events for its members. We currently have a membership of over 150. ? We provide training in many areas including woodwork, gardening, arts and crafts, life skills including money management, good housekeeping etc. ? We run an information/advocacy service that supports members and disabled people in

the community. ? On-site at our Mill Street premises, we have a ‘Community Garden’, an Organic Garden, a Greenhouse and polytunnels where we work with our members to grow fresh fruit and vegetables, flowers and shrubs and we create patio pots and hanging baskets, some of which we sell to the public. * We prepare and provide lunch to our daily users who maintain our vegetable and garden plots * We run social evenings twice a month. For this, we use our own revenue and the theme of the evening is song and dance. We supply sandwiches, cakes and teas/coffees, (following SALT guidelines) This is served by a team of volunteers and members are encouraged to help out. We provide live music and everyone is encouraged to get out on the dance floor. This creates social inclusion in a fun and relaxed environment. * Recently we have started a Saturday Club, that provides respite for families. Here we bring in arts and crafts, live music, bingo, games and provide lunch. * We hire out our room to community groups such as Sirian Refugees, craft fairs and once a year organise a Christmas meal for our users

The charity’s classifications

  • The advancement of education
  • The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage

Who the charity helps

  • Asylum seekers/refugees
  • Carers
  • Ex-offenders and prisoners
  • Learning disabilities
  • Men
  • Mental health
  • Older people
  • Parents
  • Physical disabilities
  • Sensory disabilities
  • Sexual orientation
  • Voluntary and community sector
  • Volunteers
  • Women

How the charity works

  • Advice/advocacy/information
  • Cross-border/cross-community
  • Disability
  • Education/training
  • Gender
  • Volunteer development

Charity accounts & reports for financial year end 31 December 2020

Independent examiners report Charity accounts Trustee annual report

Charity accounts & reports for financial year end 31 December 2019

Independent examiners report Charity accounts Trustee annual report

Charity accounts & reports for financial year end 31 December 2018

Independent examiners report Charity accounts Trustee annual report

Charitable purposes

a)To promote the welfare of persons handicapped by disability of body or mind, residing in County Fermanagh b)To provide recreational activities, lectures, conferences and to further the social welfare and independence of handicapped persons by any other charitable means c)to establish a Rehabilitation Centre in the County where physical and other remedial training may be provided to enable handicapped people to become more socially and economically independent

Governing document

Memorandum and Articles

Other name

Fermanagh Voluntary Association of the Disabled
  • 3 Trustees
  • 1 Employees
  • 0 Volunteers

Contact details

Public address

  • Fermanagh Vol Assoc Of The Disabled, Fvad Centre, 64 Mill Street, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, BT74 6DW

Trustee board

Freddie Mc Cordick
Lesley Fagan
David Coulter

List of regions

  • Fermanagh And Omagh District Council