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The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
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Youth Initiatives (Northern Ireland)

  • Status

    Received: on time

  • Income


  • Spending


Charity no. 100849 Date registered. 19/11/2014

Public benefits

The objects of the company are to, without unlawful discrimination on grounds of age, gender, disability, sexuality, nationality, ethnic origin and political or religious opinion, promote the physical, mental, spiritual and social welfare of young people through education, youth work and volunteering opportunities, and to pursue other charitable

purposes that the trustees shall from time to time determine. The benefits which flow from our purpose include increased resilience and confidence levels, improved mental health, and growth in personal and social skills of the young people in our programmes. The benefits also include improved employment prospects through increased leadership, education & volunteering skills, and an increased sense of security and acceptance in regard to community relations in Northern Ireland. The benefits can be demonstrated through regular internal evaluations of our services, through feedback from programme participants and parents, and through ongoing youth worker observations. There will be no harm flowing from our purposes. The charity’s beneficiaries are young people, particularly from areas marked by socio-economic deprivation, and through them, their wider community. There will be no private benefit flowing from our purpose.

What your organisation does

To empower young people to realise their contribution to society Youth Initiative’s programmes recognise young people’s value, creativity, and desire to make a contribution. As young people are involved in productive experiences, they see their way beyond apathy and hopelessness. Youth Initiatives projects involve young people in their own

community. The projects are designed for growth in character through the challenge of responsibility and teamwork. To encourage cross-community co-operation, and understanding Youth Initiatives brings young people from both the Catholic and Protestant communities together. We aim to provide environments where co-operation and understanding are encouraged and suspicion, mistrust and fear are broken down. Our programme work with young people in their local community and from that base joins them with others on cross-community projects. We emphasise on-going cross-community contact and provide an international dimension. To equip youth leaders for effective youth work Youth Initiatives is a response to the needs of young people. Our programmes seek to be a catalyst in youth work to address contemporary needs. We train young people in responsibility and provide opportunities for them to develop their leadership skills. Youth Initiatives seeks to work in co-operation with other organisations with similar or complementary aims. Our staff is widely involved in consultancy, and we value networking with others. To be an instrument for spiritual renewal among young people Youth Initiatives aims to present the Christian message of hope, faith and love through ways that are relevant and accessible to young people. We seek to help young people find expression of their faith in daily life. Youth Initiatives works in co-operation with local clergy and churches. We support and encourage a full expression of church commitment.

The charity’s classifications

  • The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage

Who the charity helps

  • Adult training
  • Children (5-13 year olds)
  • Ethnic minorities
  • Specific areas of deprivation
  • Travellers
  • Unemployed/low income
  • Volunteers
  • Youth (14-25 year olds)

How the charity works

  • Community development
  • Cross-border/cross-community
  • Cultural
  • Education/training
  • Volunteer development
  • Youth development

This display is a broad summary of the charity’s financial information. For a full understanding of the charity’s finances, the reader should view the PDF accounts and reports under the Documents tab above.





Charity accounts & reports for financial year end 31 March 2024

Independent examiners report Charity accounts Trustee annual report

Charity accounts & reports for financial year end 31 March 2023

Independent examiners report Charity accounts Trustee annual report

Charity accounts & reports for financial year end 31 March 2022

Independent examiners report Charity accounts Trustee annual report

Charitable purposes

The objects of the company are to without unlawful discrimination on grounds of age, gender, disability, sexuality, nationality, ethnic origin and political or religious opinion, promote the physical, mental, spiritual and social welfare of young people through education, youth work and volunteering opportunities and to pursue other charitable purposes that the trustees shall from time to time determine.

Governing document

Memorandum and Articles

Other name

  • 8 Trustees
  • 34 Employees
  • 120 Volunteers

Contact details

Public address

  • Youth Initiatives Ni, Youth Initiatives Ni, 50 Colin Rd,, 50 Colin Road, Youth Initiatives Ni, 50 Colin Rd, Poleglass, Belfast, BT17 0LG

Trustee board

Mr Richard Gary Mcfadden
Mrs Deirdre Mcnally
Mr Kenneth Ernest Humprey
Mrs Kathryn Willis
Mr Stephen Mcvitte
Mr John Lilly
Mrs Elaine Smyth
Dr Mark Mcfeeters

List of regions

  • In Northern Ireland