Public benefits
Purpose 1. The advancement of citizenship or community development and welfare. We have liaised with many other groups in the CCAG borough council area Community Network. We supply financial support to individuals and small groups who are in need. We are constantly searching for new members to ensure the future of Lions in Limavady. We offer a warm
welcome to all. We have informal meetings, have fundraising dinners and join with other groups for social events. Purpose 2.The prevention or relief of poverty. Lions fundraise all the time. We do not wait until something happens before starting. As a result we can act immediately when there is a need. We have supplied "Message in a bottle" kits to residents associations, church groups, housing associations and individuals. These are universally recognised by first responders and contain important medical notes for vulnerable people and are instantly available in an emergency. We also provide a service that sends old spectacles to the developing world. This is a worldwide effort that helps deprived people who as a result of poor eyesight cannot learn to read, drive or find work. We are in no doubt that the spectacles that we collect can change lives We have collection points in all the town opticians, in coffee shops and advertise on social media. We support every year, two town groups that work with children with special needs. We visit the residents of Thackery Place care home every Xmas. We bring gifts and organise entertainment supplied by local school. There is no harm arising from our purposes Our beneficiaries are mainly within our local community. This includes Thackery Place care home where we organise entertainment and gifts at Xmas. We support other charities, often ones that have touched fellow Lions. ie Marie Curie, Air Ambulance and the cancer ward in Altnagelvin Hospital. We also send support to people affected by disaster worldwide through Lions International. No.
... [more] [less]What your organisation does
We distribute Xmas gifts to the residents of local care home. We help fund Xmas party at local special school and fund gifts for children attending playgroup. We provide marshals for local sporting events and also street collectors for other charities. We fundraise by street collection annually and by working with local businesses to raffle
Xmas/Easter hampers for us. We field a soccer team every year in an all Ireland u13 competition and occasionally enter a local youth in the World wide Young Ambassador competition.
... [more] [less]The charity’s classifications
- The prevention or relief of poverty
- The advancement of citizenship or community development
Who the charity helps
- General public
- Older people
- Voluntary and community sector
How the charity works
- General charitable purposes
- Relief of poverty