Public benefits
What are the direct benefits flowing from your organisation's purposes? Increased community spirit and involvement. Recognition of the work Ballynahinch Lions Club does in the community. We encourage service - minded people in the community to serve their community without personal financial reward. We create and foster a spirit of understanding
among the people of our community. The local community has worked with Ballynahinch Lions Club since 1983. How can the benefits identified above be demonstrated? At our Christmas Food appeal in Dec 2021 we collected for the local foodbank enough food to enable them to make over 100 hampers and at a sponsored walk in Dec we collected £1000 which we gave to the foodbank. Before covid we assisted the Blood donation sessions by providing refreshments.In Mar 2022 we provided a defib to the Saintfield Market. Is there any harm arising from any of the purposes? There is no harm arising from our purposes. Who are the charity's beneficiaries? Our Beneficiaries are the community of the Ballynahinch and surrounding areas. Is there any private benefit flowing from any of the purposes? Is it incidental and necessary? No
... [more] [less]What your organisation does
Take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community. We encourage service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward. We supply money and food to the local foodbank We raise funds by holding fund raising events and street collections
The charity’s classifications
- The prevention or relief of poverty
- The advancement of citizenship or community development
- The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
Who the charity helps
- General public
How the charity works
- Community development
- General charitable purposes
- Relief of poverty
- Welfare/benevolent