Public benefits
[What are the direct benefits flowing from your organisation's purposes?] There is increased community spirit and involvement, reduction in food and energy poverty, a feeling of being loved and cared for by the local care home, recognition that Banbridge Lions Club (BLC) cares and serves our community. The direct benefits flowing from purpose 1
-the advancement of citizenship or community development and welfare is we encourage service - minded people in the community to serve their community without personal financial reward, we create and foster a spirit of understanding among the People of our community, we advance the welfare of the community including the relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health or disability. The local community has worked with Banbridge Lions Club (BLC) since 1965. Those in need of financial support, food or our service and time know they can rely on BLC to support them, whenever possible. The direct benefits arising from Purpose 2-the prevention or relief of poverty is the provision of Christmas food hampers, helping individuals/groups in need by mutual fundraising community based projects and food collections from local supermarkets. The recipients feel loved and cared for by their community, they are given food, entertained in the local care home and are given the time of the members of BLC to serve and guide them in collectively raising funds to support their Needs. [How can the benefits identified above be demonstrated?] Our Christmas food collection is well known to the people of Banbridge and Dromore and surroundings. The collection in December 2020, despite Covid, demonstrated the generosity of our community by providing enough food to fill 150 hampers but also enough left to give to several food banks. We have raised funds and provided hundreds of hours of time in serving the needs of our local community by helping our local Schools, Crozier House- the local care home in providing Christmas entertainment, defribilators for Banbridge, Kidney Care, cancer charities, individual welfare support and many other forms of support since 1965 and continuing to grow from strength to strength. We run programs to empower youth including Young Ambassador of the Year, Youth camps and exchanges. There is no harm arising from our purposes. Our Beneficiaries are the community of the Peoples of Banbridge and surrounding areas to include Schools, Crozier House care home, Gateway community, cancer support, hospice support, Kidney research, local individuals , groups and the Youth of our communities. [Is there any private benefit flowing from any of the purposes? Is it incidental and necessary?] No.
... [more] [less]What your organisation does
We distribute food parcels at Christmas to the needy, we sleep out on the streets to raise awareness. We listen to our community needs and we serve by responding to those needs. We take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community. We encourage service-minded people to serve their community without personal
financial reward. We work with our community to raise awareness of Poverty, Homelessness and Hunger. We engage in raising funds by street collections and undertaking fund raising events with the community and those groups/ individuals in need of funds, assistance, food, clothing or any need brought to our attention. We offer programs to empower youth including Young Ambassador of the year, youth camps and exchanges.
... [more] [less]The charity’s classifications
- The prevention or relief of poverty
- The advancement of citizenship or community development
- The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
Who the charity helps
- General public
- Homelessness
- Older people
- Unemployed/low income
- Voluntary and community sector
How the charity works
- Community development
- Environment/sustainable development/conservation
- General charitable purposes
- Relief of poverty
- Volunteer development