Public benefits
PUBLIC BENEFIT STATEMENT FOR VINEYARD CHURCH DUNGANNON The Charities purposes for the public benefit are as follows: The direct benefits which flow from purpose include: OBJECT 4(a) The direct benefits which flow from purpose include: The meetings are free of charge and open to all. The promotion of family stability and well-being, and
increased ability to contribute positively to society for those attending. Provide support and guidance to those activities of its members that seek to promote, in Dungannon and surrounding areas, an understanding of the Christian beliefs as set out in the church’s basis of faith, through practical expression of Christian beliefs and ideals in the local community. OBJECT 4(b) The direct benefits which flow from purpose include: Carry out acts of social concern to benefit persons in Dungannon and the surrounding areas in the advancement of equality and diversity and the promotion of religious and racial harmony. Providing improved community relations, intercultural cohesion, and an increase in understanding of cross cultural and multi-religious views creating a common ground and sense of belonging through provision of translation at our foodbank drop-in service and our weekly Sunday Celebrations as well as hosting specific multi-cultural events. The benefit of such support and guidance is to enable those members to be better able to serve in the local community. OBJECT 4(c) The direct benefits which flow from purpose include: Provide support and guidance to those activities of its members that seek to further Christian education, in Dungannon and surrounding areas, an understanding of the Christian beliefs as set out in the church’s basis of faith, through practical teaching of Christian beliefs and ideals in the local community. The benefit of such support and guidance is to enable those members to be better able to serve in the local community. OBJECT 4(d) The direct benefits which flow from purpose include: Provide support and guidance to those activities of its members that seek to promote, in Dungannon and surrounding areas, good health through the direct provision of a local foodbank. The church runs activities promoting good financial management to alleviate financial hardship and poverty which then further signposts individuals to receive actual support as well as opportunities to participate in prayer to relieve sickness. All activities discussed above are open to the public without discrimination and aimed mainly within Dungannon and the greater surrounding areas though some elements listed above have worldwide activities. All acts are completely voluntary. Activities are monitored for growth in participation and have opportunities for feedback from members. There is a potential harm of creating a cycle of dependency in relieving financial hardship directly through gifts, however this does not outweigh the public benefit as we also provide additional services for longer term life skills to educate through these situations. The only private benefit to trustees may arise from our programme of ongoing training in good governance, finance etc. We would state that no harm or possibility of harm could come from the benefits listed from (a) - (d). The Charities beneficiaries are: 1. General Public 2. Pre-school (0-5 YEAR OLDS) 3. Children (5 years – 11yrs) 4. Youth (14-25 YEAR OLDS) 5. Parents 6. Unemployed/ Low Income 7. Adult Training 8. Women 9. Volunteers 10. Men 11. Ethnic Minorities There is no private benefit arising from any of the purposes listed from (a) - (d).
... [more] [less]What your organisation does
Vineyard Church Dungannon provides weekly Sunday community celebrations. We have a food bank for prevention or relief of poverty and the relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage and is open to all members of the community. We offer services for school age children, provide
an afterschools service to support and advance education, a youth club. We provide advice, advocacy and information through our free debt service, Christians Against Poverty. Most of the above services are supported by volunteer development. Many of our service users are on a low income, suffer the various effects of poverty and we have a high number of ethnic minorities using these services. We hold regular annual celebrations of family and culture via our 'Dadfest' and 'International Lunch', as well as standard church celebrations e.g. Carol Service & Easter.
... [more] [less]The charity’s classifications
- The prevention or relief of poverty
- The advancement of education
- The advancement of religion
- The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
Who the charity helps
- Adult training
- Children (5-13 year olds)
- Ethnic minorities
- General public
- Men
- Parents
- Preschool (0-5 year olds)
- Unemployed/low income
- Volunteers
- Women
- Youth (14-25 year olds)
How the charity works
- Advice/advocacy/information
- Education/training
- Relief of poverty
- Religious activities
- Volunteer development