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The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
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Granshaw Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland

  • Status

    Received: on time

  • Income


  • Spending


Charity no. 104511 Date registered. 05/08/2016 * registered as a component element of a designated religious charity

Public benefits

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland meets the public benefit requirement by providing benefit to its members and the general public by making known the Christian Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through the advancement of religion. The direct benefits which flow from the purposes of the Church include the gaining of an understanding in Christian

beliefs as set out in the Bible and in the Church's subordinate standards (the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Shorter and Larger Catechisms) leading to spiritual and moral development and opportunities for response to Bible teaching. In turn, this framework leads to practical expressions of Christian beliefs and standards in the local community such as through the care of those in need (including the sick, disabled and bereaved). Generally the above benefits are delivered locally by congregational churches and members, or are facilitated through presbyteries or are organised and delivered centrally. Local delivery is facilitated by central resources in almost all cases. Public access is made known through the use of noticeboards, printed materials, press advertisement, websites and social media or in other ways. The benefits are demonstrated through regular evaluation of the services and informal and ad-hoc feedback from members, their families and members of the public. The purpose does not lead to harm. The only private benefit flowing from our purpose is related to Ministers, Missionaries, Deaconesses, Irish Mission workers and Lay Agents who receive benefits as a result of their holding office or employment. However, this is incidental and necessary in order to further our charitable purpose. There are no other private benefits. The beneficiaries of this purpose are members, their families other individuals that the Presbyterian Church in Ireland is in direct and indirect contact with, the community in which pastoral services are provided and other communities throughout Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and worldwide which benefit from our engagement with and support for both Christian and other secular organisations, charities and individual members of the public.

What your organisation does

Hold services of worship and other religious activities. These, and all that follows, are open to anyone of appropriate age and/or gender to access, without regard to whether they are members of our congregation. Through prayer, support our members, our own Church, other Christian Churches, the community and leaders in society and

government. Organise meetings and events that promote our charitable purpose. Participate in the life of the local community. Participate in and support what the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and the supervising Presbytery does. Support other secular and Christian organisations and charities through volunteering, financial gifts and prayer.

The charity’s classifications

  • The advancement of religion

Who the charity helps

  • General public

How the charity works

  • Religious activities

This display is a broad summary of the charity’s financial information. For a full understanding of the charity’s finances, the reader should view the PDF accounts and reports under the Documents tab above.





Charity accounts & reports for financial year end 31 December 2023

Independent examiners report Charity accounts Trustee annual report

Charity accounts & reports for financial year end 31 December 2021

Independent examiners report Charity accounts Trustee annual report

Charity accounts & reports for financial year end 31 December 2020

Independent examiners report Charity accounts Trustee annual report

Charitable purposes

THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN IRELAND, as a Reformed Church within the wider body of Christ is grounded in the Scriptures, and exists to love and honour God through faith in His Son and by the power of His Spirit, and to enable her members to play their part in fulfilling God's mission to our world

Governing document


Other name

  • 23 Trustees
  • 2 Employees
  • 100 Volunteers

Contact details

Public address

  • Mrs Alison Hawthorne, 54 Gransha Road, Comber, Newtownards, BT23 5RF

Linked charities

Charity number Charity name
104483 The Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Trustee board

Mr George Marshall
Mr David Bovill
Rev Mark Brown
Mr Tom Mccullough
Mrs Lynda Bethel
Mr Richard Bovill
Mr Gavin Young
Mr Tim Mitchell
Mr Joseph Crawford
Mrs Alison Hawthorne
Mr Brian Mccomish
Mr Derrick Love
Mrs Margaret Cromie
Mr Robin Phillips
Mr Rodney Smyth
Mr Alan Wallace
Mr John Scott
Stewart Patterson
Mrs Lorraine Shaw
Mr Matthew Mckee
Mr Roy Mckee
Mr Jonathan Bailie
Mrs Alison Bovill

List of regions

  • In Northern Ireland