Public benefits
The direct benefit which flows from the charitable purposes which are classified as being for the relief of those in need, the advancement of health or the saving of lives, and the advancement of education includes: 1. Safe, secure and suitable accommodation and workplaces for vulnerable adults with learning disabilities with the requisite level of
professional care and support. 2. A range of care and support services to some of the most vulnerable members of the local and wider community, ensuring reduced levels of stress and anxiety for those experiencing ill health, disability, old age or other disadvantage and continually promotes independence and choice. 3. The provision of skills development which contribute to the Village and wider Community. 4. A Community who values those with a learning disability, including rights to full citizenship, equality of opportunity, inclusion and self-determination, ensuring justice and fairness. 5. The Villager engaging in undertaking meaningful and rewarding work, makes a valuable contribution to their community. 6. The promotion of Individual rights and equality of opportunity while ensuring a balance between rights and responsibilities and independence and interdependence. Benefits are evidenced through: • Residents choose to live and be part of the community. • Regular feedback is received from the Villagers, their families and independent evaluation and inspections. • Announced and unannounced inspections are carried out by RQIA, the Designated Person and other regulatory bodies. • Each resident contributes to their individual care plan as do their family and health professional. • Villagers acquiring new skills and undertaking meaningful work, thus making a valuable contribution to the community. • Goods produced by the Villagers in the workshops are used by the Community or offered for sale to the wider public, highlighting their skills and contributions. • The promotion of further learning, personal development, work, a sense of responsibility and dignity, thus enabling the Villager to lead fulfilling lives. • Care Plans are written together with the adult and shared with the next of kin, social workers and placing agencies. These are continually reviewed and assessed, which helps promote social inclusion and individual empowerment. • Formal Care Management Reviews with the relevant healthcare professionals. • The SHSCT produce an annual report for each Villager which includes a general progress section covering skills, work opportunities and general health. A copy of the report is issued to the parents/guardian and to the relevant placing authority. This report complements the adult residential care plan. • Announced and unannounced RQIA inspections and follow up reports, which are now posted and openly available on the RQIA website. • The community promotes feedback from Villagers and family members. The charitable purposes do not give rise to any harm. The beneficiaries of these charitable purposes are people from Northern Ireland and other parts of the UK, who are experiencing ill health, disability, old age or other disadvantage, who choose to live in and be part of a Camphill Village Community. In addition, the immediate family members derive a substantial intangible benefit, in the knowledge that their sibling is being well looked after in a safe and secure environment, where the focus is on the individual’s ability, not disability. Private benefit The charitable purposes may create a private benefit to trustees, co-workers and employees from our ongoing training in Domiciliary Care Standards, good governance and finance. Through this training these individuals gain skills and experience which are transferable to other settings but are incidental and necessary to ensure the benefit is provided to the beneficiaries.
... [more] [less]What your organisation does
Camphill Community Mourne Grange operates under Supported Living and is registered under The Domiciliary Care Agencies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007 We promote the practice of high quality care, support and work opportunities for all individuals with learning disabilities. Providing a community ethos based on the Camphill principles which
seeks to ensure that each individual’s intrinsic worth is valued and respected. Through the creation of a life sharing, person centred community, each individual is valued for their unique personality. Through Social Therapy, a holistic approach, meeting the needs of the individual with learning disabilities through Care, Support, Training, Meaningful Work, Healthcare, Therapy and the promotion of independence. • We provide optimal healthcare provision through a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach. • We fully involve all residents in the life and work of the community by offering person centred active support in an inclusive home life and workplace. • Enable choice and empowerment of each individual by encouraging involvement within the community. • We provide day activities embedded in a rich cultural community life. • We ensure all co-workers take responsibility and play an active part in the achievement of the aims and objectives and their daily implementation. • We practice a unique holistic therapeutic model of intervention towards individuals with learning disabilities known as Social Pedagogy. We aim to be responsive to the needs of our time. The search for a sustainable approach towards all aspects of life is deeply ingrained in our values. We welcome and encourage feedback, enquires, complaints, helpful suggestions, complements and thanks. All of these are seen as positive feedback and may serve as a way to improve the standard of Care & Support within our Community.
... [more] [less]The charity’s classifications
- The advancement of education
- The advancement of health or the saving of lives
- The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
Who the charity helps
- Adult training
- Learning disabilities
- Mental health
- Parents
- Physical disabilities
- Sensory disabilities
- Volunteers
How the charity works
- Accommodation/housing
- Advice/advocacy/information
- Arts
- Community development
- Community enterprise
- Counselling/support
- Cultural
- Disability
- Education/training
- Environment/sustainable development/conservation
- General charitable purposes
- Human rights/equality