Public benefits
AMH provides direct benefit to clients throughout NI affected by mental ill health, learning disability, substance abuse and/or other disabilities through training programmes which assist them to recover and gain qualifications and skills that help them gain employment or lead more independent lives. The benefit is that clients are healthier, more
in control of their lives, feel included and contributing to society; this saves lives, saves money and contributes to greater well being and a healthier society overall. Clients come from all cultural backgrounds, including LBGT. AMH tailors support to clients from throughout NI and a key aspect of that support is to gain employment. Each AMH service in the region has employment specialists who liaise with clients and employers to ensure clients sustain any employment they have started. This is a direct benefit to clients as they gain employment, feel more included, get better and recover from mental health issues. Documented research shows this saves lives and money. AMH also delivers some DEL sponsored government employment programmes and as part of this AMH ensures those out of work, but with mental health issues, get into work and those already in work remain in work whilst still dealing with mental health issues. For these clients there is a direct benefit from these programmes as the chance of employment is increased and it helps them contribute economically to society by paying taxes and coming off benefits. AMH also provides direct benefit to clients by getting them involved in and contributing to activities which will make them better. They may learn cookery skills and work with supervision in one of AMH’s canteens and eventually gain qualifications to run it themselves and then progress to an external employer in a café or restaurant. Others may learn how to set up a business and become self employed. Although AMH has 12 training facilities where staff are permanently based (average 10-12 staff) there are a large number of clients receiving direct benefit of programmes in other facilities through outreach such as in libraries, health centres, hospitals, council offices etc. On average there are 750 clients a day in AMH services and about half of them would be reached through these outreach services. AMH has a growing number of awareness raising programmes which highlight the issues of mental health. These programmes reach about 8,000 young people, their carers and teachers/youth workers every year and the direct benefit of this is to build their emotional resilience for the future and to stop mental health issues starting in the first place. This benefits society by building well-being for the long term and preventing people going to GPs/hospitals.
... [more] [less]What your organisation does
AMH supports people’s mental health and well-being through vocational training, employment guidance and personal development services. It has 12 service locations in Northern Ireland delivering projects based on the model of ‘recovery’ to over 3,000 adults annually, although delivery also increasingly takes place as ‘outreach’ in a variety of other
locations across the region. The 5 Health and Social Care Trusts are also increasingly asking AMH to run similar recovery services for younger people (16-25). The Trusts in NI refer clients to AMH on the basis that the clients are suitable for recovery services leading to employment. The services provide tailored programmes of training for individuals to help them gain accredited qualifications and skills to ideally gain employment and/or lead more independent lives. Clients can attend services every day or on a sessional basis to suit their needs. AMH staff assist clients to write CVs and apply for jobs as well as getting them training placements with employers. Once clients have secured employment AMH staff are available for up to 6 months to help the individual retain the job; AMH staff also advise and guide employers in how to support clients. Following this path to employment individuals hopefully recover from their mental health issues. AMH delivers emotional resilience building programmes and reaches over 8,000 young people, their teachers and carers through these activities in NI and cross border; a similar programme is delivered to prisoners. The charity operates three Mens’ Sheds which assist with older men's emotional well being. AMH delivers a 'Protect Life' contract in NI which has a whole population approach to building emotional resilience in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust area. There are smaller ASD and Learning Disability projects designed to get people into employment. AMH also delivers DEL sponsored Government employment programmes to get people into work and keep them in work.
... [more] [less]The charity’s classifications
- The advancement of education
- The advancement of health or the saving of lives
- The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
Who the charity helps
- Addictions (drug/solvent/alcohol abuse)
- Adult training
- Carers
- Children (5-13 year olds)
- Ex-offenders and prisoners
- General public
- Men
- Mental health
- Older people
- Parents
- Preschool (0-5 year olds)
- Sensory disabilities
- Unemployed/low income
- Victim support
- Voluntary and community sector
- Volunteers
- Women
- Youth (14-25 year olds)
How the charity works
- Advice/advocacy/information
- Counselling/support
- Cross-border/cross-community
- Disability
- Education/training
- Medical/health/sickness