Public benefits
Erne East Community Partnership beneficiaries are mainly from the Erne East area however we also deliver programmes throughout Fermanagh and Tyrone. The benefit includes; People with disabilities and their families receive home respite services and access to a youth group. The direct benefit is more independence for young people with disabilities
and families receive a respite period. Older people through a range of services including social events, benefit awareness, security measures, social car and transportation, befriending, continued interventions in terms of sexual abuse and domestic violence in the rural area. Action to tackle issues affecting young people, suicide prevention, tackling drugs and alcohol abuse, self-esteem issues and road traffic accidents. Provide activities and developing facilities for youth in general, especially vulnerable youth. People with mental health issues including rural isolation will be targeted. Healthy activities at rural isolated venues with poor access to facilities and to encourage the participation of people living in housing estates in local towns. This includes smoking cessation, physical activity, ‘Cook It’ and nutrition and personal development. These benefits lead to increased health and educational outcomes leading to less stress and people being better informed within the community. A distinct health programme to involve men will be part of this effort as the participation rate has been lower than that of females. Community safety will involve liaising with the PSNI, WDACT, WH & SCT, Suicide Prevention Officer and other players to increase safety and security. These activities lead to increased educational outcomes leading to greater mental and physical health. Immigrants many who are living in rural locations and very distant from support networks are keen for activities that will help them to integrate, provide social outlets, enable them develop new skills and move away from the off-licence culture. English language skills, employment skills, benefit awareness etc, The Oak Healthy Living Centre is responsible for fundraising and managing after-schools clubs. Because of the rural nature of the area, dispersed population and number of mothers not working, viability is difficult. Work is needed to support mothers and families to enter and retain employment by providing reliable and quality childcare. Work with children in health promotion including care in the sun and dental health would also be carried out with young children. The Heavy drinkers - To provide a welcoming and accepting environment for people who are heavy drinkers, misuse of substances or are vulnerable due to poor mental health. Provide support and opportunities to make informed choices and enable them to make positive changes to their lives, support people to build skills, self-respect, improve their health and to look to the future. First Responder scheme providing voluntary emergency resuscitation to the local community prior to NI ambulance service arrival/intervention. Environmental project that develops organic allotments and promotes healthy eating on a budget. These activities lead to increased learning about health and wellbeing improving the overall standard of health for the community as a whole. There is no harm or private benefit flowing from our purposes.
... [more] [less]What your organisation does
The organisation is a community health initiative which delivers a wide ranging of programmes and activities which aim to prevent ill health and encourage well being. Programmes included those which help older people, youth,family and childcare,mental health, addiction, smoking cessation, physical health, training delivery, community first
responders, men's shed etc.
... [more] [less]The charity’s classifications
- The advancement of education
- The advancement of citizenship or community development
- The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
- Other charitable purposes
Who the charity helps
- Addictions (drug/solvent/alcohol abuse)
- Adult training
- Carers
- Children (5-13 year olds)
- Community safety/crime prevention
- Ethnic minorities
- General public
- Learning disabilities
- Men
- Mental health
- Older people
- Parents
- Preschool (0-5 year olds)
- Specific areas of deprivation
- Unemployed/low income
- Voluntary and community sector
- Volunteers
- Women
- Youth (14-25 year olds)
How the charity works
- Advice/advocacy/information
- Community development
- Community transport
- Disability
- Education/training
- Medical/health/sickness
- Playgroup/after schools
- Volunteer development
- Welfare/benevolent
- Youth development