Overdue: 925 days
Public benefits
Children from the greater Carryduff area will access nursery education through the medium of Irish to facilitate transition to Primary education. Families/carers will avail of Irish Language classes to support their children attending Naiscoil in the Greater Carryduff area. Opportunities for employment will be created in the Greater Carryduff area
with the establishment of an Irish Medium Nursery school. The Irish Nursery building will provide children from the Greater Carryduff area with nursery education through the medium of Irish. Families/Carers will access Irish Language classes within the Greater Carryduff area.Irish language will be spoken in the Greater Carryduff area and add to the cultural diversity of the area. There is no harm arising from any of the purposes stated. The children and families/carers of the Greater Carryduff area will benefit from the charity. Employees of the Naiscoil will benefit from employment opportunities created by the establishment of a Nursery in the area.The wider community in the Greater Carryduff area will benefit from the use of the Irish language amongst its people and the promotion of cultural diversity it reflects. Private benefit is incidental and necessary flowing from the purpose. It is anticipated that some staff may have to be recruited lawfully from the local community if they demonstrate appropriate Irish Language skills specific to Irish Medium Nursery Education. Staff employed or working voluntarily will be required to complete necessary Safe Guarding and First Aid Courses for the purpose of working with nursery children.
... [more] [less]What your organisation does
In order to carry out the charitable purposes, the trustees have secured funds from organising local community supported events in the Greater Carryduff area. In addition the organisation has applied for and received approval for grants from Foras na Gaeilge and Iontaobhas na Gaelscolaiochta to support the acquistion of a Nursery building in the
Greater Carryduff area. The trustees have held meetings with Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta to discuss planning and preparation for the transition of pupils from Irish Medium Nursery education to Primary Irish Medium Education.A Public Consultation was facilitated by the trustees and Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta in November 2017 to discuss proposals for the provision of Irish Medium Education in the Greater Carryduff area.. The organisation actively sought interested families/carers to register interest in the provision of Irish Medium Nursery Education for their children. Interested families/carers have been kept up to date with developements concerning the acquisition of a building suitable for Nursery provision. The organisation has recruited Irish Language activists to its committee to ensure that members have the relevant skills required to carry out its purposes. The committee meets on a fortnightly basis to receive updates of progress with applications and discuss forward planning proposals.
... [more] [less]The charity’s classifications
- The advancement of education
- The advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science
Who the charity helps
- Carers
- Language community
- Parents
- Preschool (0-5 year olds)
- Volunteers
How the charity works
- Community development
- Cultural
- Education/training
- Volunteer development