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The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
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The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland’s Engagement Strategy for 2023-2026 is available below. The strategy sets out how the Commission will actively engage with the charity sector, and the public, while supporting charities in complying with charity law.

It has been developed in response to the recommendations of the Independent review of charity regulation in Northern Ireland and in line with feedback from a public consultation on a draft strategy. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to contribute to our consultation and share their views. You can find further information on the consultation on the Closed consultations page.

As this was a joint consultation which also concerned the Commission’s new Strategic Plan 20-23-2026, publication of the consultation report had to wait for the strategic plan to be approved by our sponsor department, the Department for Communities.

Download Engagement strategy 2023-2026 PDF (291.3 KB)

An implementation plan for Year 1 of the strategy is also available below.

Download Engagement strategy - Implementation Plan - Year 1 XLSX (12.1 KB)